For full-time undergraduate, graduate, non-graduating, full-time CPE students and ad-hoc groups (authorised by NUS) of National University of Singapore from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025.
For full-time undergraduate, graduate, non-graduating, full-time CPE students and ad-hoc groups (authorised by NUS) of National University of Singapore from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025.
Underwritten and managed by
Read the fact sheets here.
Treatment by a General Practitioner (neighbourhood GP clinic, UHC GP clinic or polyclinic) for illnesses (e.g. flu & fever) is not covered under the insurance.
Coverage will cease for students awaiting conferment date and no Health Service Fee billed.
Students must notify the insurer by email of possible claims within 30 days of the accident or discharge from hospital whichever is earlier. Claims for medical expenses must be submitted within 30 days of the date of treatment. Late claims may not be processed.
Students must notify the insurer by email of possible claims within 30 days of the accident or discharge from hospital whichever is earlier. Claims for medical expenses must be submitted within 30 days of the date of treatment. Late claims may not be processed.
You will receive a welcome email from IHP with your login details WITHIN 2 WEEKS. Thus, please wait.
If you do not receive the welcome email after 2 weeks or there are details that you wish to change from the 1st registration (including bank details), please email cc to inform. Please DO NOT re-register.
Please ensure that the bank details provided is correct. We may not be able to recover funds transferred to a wrong account and the claim will be considered as paid.
The bank account number is NOT the number on your bank card - please check your bank statement or internet banking.
If you choose to use an overseas bank account, please note that all bank charges and currency exchange costs will be deducted from the claim amount payable.
Registration is required only once.
You can then access the app/portal to submit your first and future claims.
For first-time users, claims submission period will be extended to 2 weeks after you receive the login details.
For more information on how to use the app/portal, download the User Guide.
Students who have sustained injuries resulting from incidents that occur on campus and/or while representing or participating in NUS-organised/approved activities, are required to report the incident to NUS otherwise your claim may not be processed. If you have not made a report for the injury, please go to the Accident and Incident Management System (AIMS) to make the report. For queries on incident reporting, please contact
Examples of incidents (non-exhaustive list) to be reported:
Injury sustained during activities in your academic curriculum
Injury sustained while playing sports in a facility on campus
Injury sustained from slip, trip and fall incidents on campus
Food poisoning from ingesting food from canteens
Prepare/obtain the supporting documents:
Log in to the “IHP” app or the portal
Click on the “Claims” icon.
Complete the online form and upload the supporting documents.
If the required documents (eg. referral letter, test order form, test report, discharge summary etc.) are not provided to you, please request from the clinic/hospital during the visit. Otherwise, you may have to return to the clinic/hospital to request for it.
The insurer may request for further information/documents on a case-by-case basis in order to assess the claim.
Original invoices and receipts must be kept for one (1) year from the date of treatment and provided to the insurer on request.
Generally, medical expense claims will be processed within 30 days after complete claim documents and information are received. Approved medical expense claims will be credited into the student’s bank account.
Students can check status of claims via the app or portal.
Notification of the result of the claim or request for documents/information will be sent via the app or portal.
Confirmation on whether a claim is admissible or the amount payable can only be provided by the insurer after complete claim documents have been submitted for assessment.
Medishield Life and the Private Integrated Shield Plans (excluding Rider) have Last Payer Status. This means that if they have paid the claim, the patient’s other insurance (eg. NUS’s student group insurance, employer’s group insurance) must reimburse the Shield Plans. Please note that reimbursement to the Shield plan will reduce the balance available for future treatment/claims under NUS’s insurance. If you wish to retain the limit, please contact MYCG before submitting the claim.
A LOG is a document issued by the insurer to guarantee hospitalisation/surgery expenses in Singapore. It is not valid for pre or post hospitalisation/surgery, outpatient expenses and overseas treatment. With a LOG, the hospital will waive the cash deposit and payment of the hospital bill up to the policy limits and subject to the policy terms and conditions. The hospital will bill the insurer directly. The student will have to pay to the hospital any amount not covered by the insurance after the hospital bill is finalised.
A LOG is a document issued by the insurer to guarantee hospitalisation/surgery expenses in Singapore. It is not valid for pre or post hospitalisation/surgery, outpatient expenses and overseas treatment. With a LOG, the hospital will waive the cash deposit and payment of the hospital bill up to the policy limits and subject to the policy terms and conditions. The hospital will bill the insurer directly. The student will have to pay to the hospital any amount not covered by the insurance after the hospital bill is finalised.
The LOG is only available for treatment at the following Singapore Government Restructured Hospitals:
Alexandra Hospital
Changi General Hospital
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
National University of Singapore
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
Sengkang General Hospital
Singapore General Hospital
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
For treatment at other Government Centres like National Skin Centre or overseas, please pay first and submit a claim for processing.
If you have been discharged, please pay first and submit a claim for review instead. LOG will not be issued after discharge.
Complete this registration form to verify your eligibility for the insurance:
Complete this form at least 5 working days before the scheduled hospital admission/surgery. For emergency admission, please contact MYCG as soon as possible.
Email these documents to and copy, with email subject header “Patient’s Name / NUS - LOG Request”:
Referral Letter from GP to Specialist, if any
Test Reports eg. MRI, x-ray, lab test, if any
*Financial Counselling/ Admission Form/ Surgery Authorisation Form
*The hospital will give these documents to the patient when the admission date is confirmed/during the financial counselling session. The documents will contain the estimated bill, diagnosis and treatment information - this information is required to process the LOG.
Please note that if there is insufficient time or incomplete documents, the insurer may not be able to issue the LOG. In this case, please pay first and submit the claim for review instead.
If approved, the LOG will be emailed to the hospital 1 day prior to admission.
Step 5
Upon discharge from the hospital, please email the Discharge Summary to &
Step 6
Pre/Post Hospitalisation/Surgery Claims
If you wish to submit claims for outpatient medical expenses incurred before/after the hospitalisation/surgery, please ensure to include the LOG reference number in your submission. Please also take note that these claims can only be processed after the payment to the hospital under the LOG has been finalised - the process could take 1 to 2 months.
MYCG & Partners Pte Ltd
We will be at NUS UHC on Thursdays between 10 am to 12 noon.
Come talk with us.
+65 6715 9902 (IHP 24hr Hotline)
+65 6715 9422 (LOG)
+65 8118 6924 (MYCG)
Our operating hours are
Monday to Friday
9 am to 5 pm